Peacham School Parent Teacher Friends Group
The mission of the Peacham School PTF Group is to support the school and its role in the community, adding to the positive environment at the school where teachers can do their best work and students can do their best learning. We support the public educational environment, promote quality education, work to expand the arts, encourage community involvement and enrich each student’s experience.
We strive to organize activities that enhance the "Peacham PRIDE" behavior model at Peacham School; to develop a strong network of parents, school staff and community members committed to the health, education and welfare of Peacham School’s children.
Peacham PTF Group believes that all children have the right to a quality public education, allowing each child the opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential and assuring strong capable children who will lead us into the future.
Mission Statement adopted 12/2007
Revised and approved by members on 11/11/2014
Who We Are
We are an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization consisting of a group of dedicated parents, teachers and community members who meet on a monthly basis to show our support for the school and community by planning various fundraisers and activities.
Our History
The Peacham School PTF Group was formally organized in 2007, as a successor organization to the Peacham School PTG. We adopted many of the same activities and fundraisers, some of which have been held continually for over two decades.