The Mud & Muck Auction, now in its 27th year, has become a springtime traditional event in Peacham. It is our largest fundraiser of the year and is attended by community members and families from several surrounding towns. In the past, we have raised anywhere from $4,000 to $7,000 dollars and have welcomed anywhere from 50-100 people. We generally live auction approximately 40-50 items and have several tables of items for silent bidding. The Mud & Muck Auction is supported by donations from over 100 businesses and individuals from all across Caledonia County and beyond. Funds raised from the auction allow Peacham School students to participate in the winter ski program at Burke Mountain for four weeks and other wellness activities throughout the year. Support of the auction allows families to participate in activities and programs without cost and eases financial pressure on the annual school budget.​
Fall Foliage Luncheon
Holiday Wreath Sale
27th Annual Mud & Muck Auction
4th of July Lunch - Cookout by the Fire Station
We appreciate all of your support!
Now our second largest fundraiser of the year, our annual Holiday Wreath Sale involves collecting orders and making about 100 fresh wreaths. Also one of the most labor intensive, parents, community members and teachers gather together during the month of November to make the wreaths from donated evergreen boughs. The wreaths are then sold to families and community members. The PTF sells both undecorated wreaths and decorated wreaths. Support of the Holiday Wreath Sale helps fund our free community events throughout the year, such as our Halloween Party, Winter Caroling, Snowball Dance and Year End Barbecue Celebration.
The Fall Foliage Luncheon is served in the Peacham School cafeteria on Peacham's Fall Foliage Celebration Day. The entire town greets visitors from all over the world who come to admire the beautiful fall scenery. As one of the main food vendors for the event, parents and staff traditionally prepare quiche and corn chowder, along with salad, rolls and dessert. Students serve visitors who come to the school for lunch. The PTF and school usually greet over 150 visitors during the event and the funds raised help the PTF purchase music instruments, P.E. equipment and other needed supplies for the students at the school.