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Welcome to the Peacham School PTF Group!


Many studies have shown that parent involvement in schools improves student outcomes. The Peacham School Parent Teacher Friends Group (PTF) has been working to help enrich Peacham students' learning experiences for over twenty-five years. We are an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization consisting of a group of dedicated parents, teachers and community members who meet on a monthly basis to show our support for the school and community by planning various fundraisers and activities.

PTF members strive to enhance the school environment by putting together many fun activities and events throughout the year. We are always excited to see new faces join the group and welcome back old friends. We hope that you will consider joining us this year! In case you are new to the area, we wanted to share with you a little bit about some of the things that we do. We also have a list of events on this webpage and you can also find descriptions of our many activities, events and fundraisers as well.


Over the years, the PTF has supported many of the school’s specials programs, such as music, the arts and ELO. In the past, we were able to purchase twelve ukuleles for students to learn how to play string instruments. We have also supported physical education by purchasing equipment, helped pay for a new playground and purchased materials for a community skating rink. For many, many years, we have also paid for four downhill ski lesson days, four swim lesson days and transportation costs for each Peacham student starting kindergarten up to sixth grade.


Each year, the PTF holds 3 major fundraisers; Fall Foliage Luncheon, Holiday Wreath Making and the Mud & Muck Auction. The PTF also sponsors many community building events and activities, such as the Halloween Party, Winter Caroling in Peacham, our family-friendly Snowball Dance and School Year End Cookout Celebration. We also support the community Santa Fund and the Thelma White Scholarship Fund.


We hope that you will consider joining us. There are no membership fees to join. We have placed a link to the right where you can also download one of our volunteer forms. Please keep in mind that while we encourage members to attend most meetings, we also appreciate any help that you can provide for individual events. Joining the PTF does not mean that you will be expected to help with every single activity. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you’re interested in joining or have any additional questions.


Best wishes for a wonderful school year!



Erin Lane,

PTF Chair


Peacham PTF Logo - Official.jpg

The PTF meets once per month in varying locations.  Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date

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